826 National is a network of creative writing and tutoring centers, each with a unique theme designed to inspire students and delight adults. I first got involved with 826 in Washington, DC where I helped design the buildout of 826DC’s Museum of Unnatural History. Later I linked up with the team at 826michigan and began creating posters, products, and books for them whenever I needed a reminder that design is FUN.
To help fund their free writing programs, 826michigan slings robot supplies. Burning out? Try Break Fluid. Feeling creaky? Rust Remover will help you “uprise and shine.” These are just a few of the many products I have designed for their gift shops: the Detroit Robot Factory and Liberty Street Robot Supply & Repair in Ann Arbor.
“Where do I even begin to talk about how easy it is to collaborate with Oliver? He’s the perfect mix of out-of-the-box creative and holy-cow-attention-to-detail meticulousness—a true unicorn.”